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Road and Bridge

Ochiltree County Texas Ochiltree County Road and Bridge Department maintains close to seven hundred miles of roads in four precincts. Most of these roads are topped with caliche.

Ochiltree Precinct Map

The roads within the county that are county maintained are public roads that have been accepted for maintenance by the Commissioners Court pursuant to the standards set by the Commissioners Court. These roads are located in the unincorporated areas of the county. State maintained roads are marked in red on the map.

Ochiltree County Precincts 

Caliche Road


County caliche roads require regular maintenance that includes retopping every 5 to 10 years. The trucks that haul the material dump ~100 loads per mile and average 30 to 35 miles per year.


Winter Maintainance

Heavy snow and wind in the Texas Panhandle can often make roads impassable due to drifting snow. Even light snowfall can cause problems because of drifting.  

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